GOTW Vol. 2 Show #63

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Monday  6th May  14.00hrs

Groove on the Wireless  Volume 2 – show 63

Everybody Loves the Sunshine, as we all know.  So it goes, and Dr. Groove lays down this show on a sun dappled afternoon in the Mayday weekend.  Then pare Climax by the Ohio Players, we go full throttle on the dancefloor to celebrate feeling that feeling that comes from the sun, that they may face the heat of the sun once more. 

Love & Rage

Dr. Groove


  1. D’Angelo  ––> Everybody Loves The Sunshine  
  2. Major Force Productions ––> Essential Dub 
  3. Isólee  ––> Tour Set Complique
  4. Joni Mitchell ––> Strange Boy 
  5. Takagi Kahn ––> Meet The Rhythm 
  6. The Ohio Players ––> Climax
  7. Overmono & The Streets  —> Turn The Page
  8. Flim Score ––> Smithy & Mighty
  9. Four Tet ––> Pinnacles
  10. KH ––>  Only Human 
  11. Koreless ––> Seven (Drumhell)
  12. Two Shell ––> Home
  13. This Mortal Coil ––> Kangaroo


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