GOTW Vol. 3 Show # 1

Saturday  24th Jan. 

Groove on the Wireless  Volume 3 Show # 1

I’m back with vol 3 as we hurtle into a new era of morbid symptoms – to quote Gramsci.

Love & Rage

Dr. Groove


  1. Grant Green —> Ease Back 
  2. John McLaughlin with the One Truth Band ––> Love and Understanding 
  3. James Holden —> Common Land 
  4. Alien Progeny —>Sadhana Dub
  5. Roxy Music —> 2HB
  6. Masters At Work feat. Jocylean Brown —> It’s Alright, I Feel It
  7. Lankum ––> Bear Creek 
  8. Brigid Mae Power ––> On a City Night 
  9. Cormac Begley —> Slán Le Maigh (Slow Air)
  10. Susumu Yokota ––> Kirakiraboshi


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