Friday 17th Sept. 22.30hrs
Plague Tapes #109
New music in this show from the amazing inspiring Little Simz. We leave the best wine till last with two tracks from the new Low album which has harmony and distortion all in one, for me it seldom gets any better. So listen out for that. In the news it looks like we are finally coming to the end of this long run of Plague Tapes…

News: Andrew tells us that the ‘Emergency’ is over. So he has called it, and gives us details in relation to the fact that we have over 90% of the Adult population and we continue to eat into the unvaccinated population, 440,000 elegible to be vaccinated and we vaccinated 18,847 of them which is 4.3%. So these are all important – because this is the easy route to immunity. We are the highest adult population which is fully vaccinated in Europe and we are still higher up there with the incidence of the virus. 5 day case average 1320.
Love & Rage,
Dr. Groove
Love & Rage,
Dr. Groove
- Vincent Van-Go ––> Mood
- Moodyman —> Downtown
- Little Simz —> I Love You, I Hate You
- Helado Negro —> Gemini & Leo
- Shuggie Ottis —> Oxford Gray
- Richard Berry —> Doin’ It – feat. Shuggie Ottis on guitar
- SAULT —> Street Fighter
- The Congos —> The Ark of the Convenant
- Mr. Scruff —> Bonus Beats
- Low —> Days Like These
- Low —> Disarray
- Low —> The Price you Pay [Must Be Wearing off]
News at 73 mins – see above for what’s covered
13. Stereo MC’s —> What is Soul Pt.1 [edit]
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