The Shabby Shuffle – Plath on Plath

Tonight’s Shuffle features a recording of American poet Sylvia Plath, first in interview and then reading a selection of her work.

Plath Reads Plath – 1975, Released on Credo Records.

  1. An interview: Sylvia Plath talks with Peter Orr of the British Council
  2. The Rabbit Catcher
  3. Ariel
  4. Poppies in October
  5. The Applicant
  6. Lady Lazarus
  7. A Secret
  8. Cut
  9. Stopped Dead
  10. Nick and the Candlestick
  11. Medusa
  12. Purdah
  13. A Birthday Present
  14. Amnesiac
  15. Daddy
  16. Fever 103º
Wasn't directly involved with RadioActive first time-round in Dublin, but have worked with many of the DJs on other stations over the years. Now living in The Basque Country, my show, The Shabby Shuffle will sometimes feature invited friends to bring along a few records and we'll chew the fat for an hour in English or Spanish.