These Irish Bands Totally Rocked 2nd October


This week’s show is all about Irish bands who I’ve missed seeing live or who I miss seeing live and won’t have the chance to see again because they aren’t around anymore.

Kicking things off it’s a few bands I missed ever seeing live.

Then its on to bands I did.

Then it’s a band that is actually still around and somewhat Irish, but live 4000 miles away.

Next it’s bands I saw years ago in various dives and shitholes:


There are a few bands that we will sadly never see again.

And a band I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to see on a bill tomorrow.

As all of the bands up to this point have been pretty much straight up punk rock the show finishes up with some of the more melodic and garage-esque bands sadly no longer gracing Irish stages.

As always click on the bands for links, some of which are free downloads of the tunes here and by jaysus, if you got taste and the know how to play an instrument.  Start a band and stick me on the guest list