Can't Sit Still - the objectorZ
Quad - The Heads
Out of the Band - Cosmic Psychos
One More Nail Out of Rock 'n' Roll's Coffin - The Bonnevilles
I Gotsta Get Paid - ZZ Top
No Chance - Unsane
Play the Shot - Bambi
Rock Pusher - The Nitwitz
Gimme Luv - Tight Bros From Way back When
Jesus Never Lived on Mars - Lee Harvey Oswald Band
Chip Away at the Stone - New Bomb Turks
Interstellar Hardrive - Man or Astroman?
Revenge - The Cynics
Best Part of Breaking Up - Devil Dogs
Bear Up Bison - Shonen Knife
Half as Mad - Fag Enablerz
24 Stella - Moutpiece
I Am Not the Crow - Windings
Troy - Large Mound
Queen of Hearts - Fucked Up
Detroit Has a Skyline - HiFi Handgrenades
Crimson and Clover - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts